Tuesday, April 20, 2010


hanie bknnyer majuk. hanie ckp sbb hanie marah. hanie sgt2 jarang marah ye. but once i got mad. u will detect it EASILY. sp2 yg knal hanie tau la hanie cm ne. tp hanie xtau nk ckp pe. kalau hanie majuk pn i got nothin. so nak majuk pun pk dua tiga kali. tp kalau nk jauh ati tu xyh pk2 da. tbe2 je akan rs mls n jauh ati. xmo ckp byk2 da. diam lg baik. kan ika? ika mst stuju. tp xlarat le nak jauh ati slalu. nak diam slalu. busan even i have to. 1 je hanie mintak. when i behave like 'weird hanie' , pls la reflect from that. give me some respond. jgn la wat bodo. pls3. jgn act like org mcm xde prasaan even i noe u ader perasaan jugak. hanie x minx pun klu i got mad,i want u to give me 100 bouquet of roses n a box of chocolate ke ape ke n whatsoeva lah. say sorry is enough for me. but under 1 condition. pls say it very2 sincerely deep in ur heart. eyes to eyes ok. bkn nk demand. biler face to face, it shows that u really2 sorry 4 what was happening. pls alert lah. i got feeling too. n u also rite? so its better if we take care of it each other instead of i je yg nk pk perasaan u je. LU PIKIR LA SDIRIK!!

1 comment:


yesss!! sorry is enough bukan? but sometimes people dont think like we think. they think the harder way, so they dont know how to say sorry in easiest way. but dont worry sayang. its not our fault, its their fault who thinks too much. let them be, and may them realise it someday :)