today sunday agak messy skit.. tido lmbat, bgun awl..mentelaah buku..wat assignment n jam 12 tgh hari pala agak tingtong lalu tido sebentar. then bgun2 nak lunch.. then busan makan di cafe or nasi n bla bla ajak member ke oldtown. actually they re studying for tmorow midsem..but then they are willing nak teman aku ke oldtown.. teharu!!!!!!!!heeeee.

ok..done! d oldtown faris makan chicken hor fun.. and me makan sup wantan.. zain oder double bake roti kaya. 2 ice water & 2 teh tarik. weeeeeee.. x sempat tangkap gambar sbb lapa n mulot x henti2 bersembang.. they used to be my classmates n groupmates sem lepas... sem ni terpisah. actually diorg course lain. n diorg last sem this sem n hujung tahun grad lah!!! weeeeee... i pray everything goes well then. aminnnn..
petang ni nak jog!!!! tp dihalang lg!!! Allah suh aku nikmati hujan rahmatnya n duk diam2 dlm bilik. huhuhu... jog dlm bilik mungkin!!!! hahahaha. ok sekian utk arini....
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