they really bright my day. =) karok yg insane. mimi nyanyi cm pergh!!! xtau la nak explain. speechless. haha. they're really gojes today, havoc, n sooo enjoy 2gether. skang da miss them already. unfortunately Jaja xde kat ipoh. xdpt hangout. maybe next time =). proud to have them. oh lupe nk gtau...pekenalan kami bermula dr matrix yg sgt berlainan course. 4 of us fizik, 1 hayat n another was akaun. friends till the end.



pon boley.

ika..bestie.. wish jaja could be there too.=(

tengs ika. luv it.

ok. bye. haha
may Allah bless Us. amin.
lepak jj ipoh la nih...hhahah ipoh..mane lg tempt havoc...hahahah
itu sj yg adeeee. haha
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