Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mintak Tolong Cik Merpati Putih.

Dear heart,

this moment is actually the sweetest thing that u ever did to me.
i cant just leave it that way n thats y i captured this. =)

Work well.
Stay health.
be 'good' aaa. haha.
I'll pray eveything go well for u there.
Take a good care of urself.

The one that u'll be missed for sure. =]


mizzbutterfly said... bace...cikgu dah rindu datooooo....haa kan....dah ckp...nih baru beberapa hari..belum berbulan2.... tabah haty...

hanie bonie said...

hahaha... haiyok... ni teringat.. bkn rindu. wahahaha....tabah! tabah! tabah! haha